This pilot study represents one of the first research projects among indigenous people from Mexico who have settled in the U.S. Specific aims were to conduct a needs assessment survey in the Mixtec community in Ventura County; and to conduct focus groups with men and women to obtain community perspectives on mammography screening. Through a community-based participatory research process that included an established and trusted community organization, we were able to conduct almost 1,000 surveys in two indigenous languages and in Spanish in an immigrant community that is largely undocumented and has low levels of income and education. Our survey documents that the Mixtec and Zapotec community in Ventura County experiences major problems in many basic needs and that breast cancer screening rates are extremely low.
Project Investigator(s):
Annette Maxwell, DrPH
Roshan Bastani, PhD
Community Partner(s): Mixteco Indigena Community Organizing Project
Funding Source(s): California Breast Cancer Research Program(CBCRP) Grant #: 18AB-1400
Project Status: Complete
- Maxwell AE, Young S, Rabelo Vega R, Herrmann AK, See C, Glenn BA, Mistry R, Bastani R. Training Mixtec promotores to assess health concerns in their community: a CBPR pilot study. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2014;16(2):310-3. PMCID: PMC3529740.
- Maxwell AE, Young S, Crespi CM, Vega RR, Cayetano RT, Bastani R. Social determinants of health in the Mixtec and Zapotec community in Ventura County, California. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2015;14:16. PMCID: PMC4320817.
- Maxwell AE, Young S, Rabelo Vega R, Cayetano RT, Crespi CM, Bastani R. Building Capacity to Address Women’s Health Issues in the Mixtec and Zapotec Community. Womens Health Issues. 2015;25(4):403-9. PMCID: PMC4492859.