Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is one of the primary modifiable risk factors for development of melanoma with exposures occurring early in life believed to be most critical. The goal of this exploratory study was to profile children with a parental history of melanoma in regards to their sun protection practices and obtain an understanding of the correlates of sun protection in this high risk and understudied group. We used the California Cancer Registry to obtain the contact information for a random sample of melanoma cases between the ages of 25-50 years. Factors determined to be important correlates of sun protection in high risk children will be used to customize messages for the future intervention.

Project Investigator(s):
Beth Glenn, PhD
Roshan Bastani, PhD

Research Team:
Cindy Chang, MS

Funding Source(s): NIH/NCI Project #: R03CA134205

Project Status: Complete


  • Glenn BA, Lin T, Chang LC, Okada A, Wong WK, Glanz K, Bastani R. Sun protection practices and sun exposure among children with a parental history of melanoma. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention. 2015;24(1):169-77. PMCID: PMC4295624.
  • Glenn BA, Chen KL, Chang LC, Lin T, Bastani R. Skin Examination Practices Among Melanoma Survivors and Their Children. Journal of Cancer Education. 2017;32(2):335-343. PMCID: PMC4980284.